Sunday, July 17, 2005

First Post

Welcome to my little abode for all of you who are reading this from the beginning.

I'm not quite sure where to begin, as I've never put myself out there very much. I haven't read many blogs either, but as the digital extrovert I am, I'm trying this anyway. I'm not too sure if I'm getting more introspective because my 30th birthday is coming up, or I just have more experience to draw on these days. I suppose that's another reason I'm here. Might as well give you a bit of background on me.

First of all, I am probably one of the palest people you will ever meet that isn't goth. You can thank my Irish/English/Scotish and little bits of Northern European heritage for that. I only turn two colors, red and white. My height and weight are pretty average, although the bit of a gut I developed the last few years is going away slowly thanks to a gym membership. My hair was bright red when I was young, but every year it seems to get darker. Now it's almost black, but in the sun you can occaisionally see a bit of red stand out.

Well, that's enough for now as I have to play with all of these settings.


At 11:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with being pasty potatoe white Irish like myself.

Thanks for visiting TMIAB. Visit daily and masturbate often!

Good luck with your blog!

At 7:41 PM, Blogger Erik said...

Visit daily? Most likely.

Masturbate often? Guaranteed.

Thanks for the well wishes, Blonde.


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