This Odd Bar
I go to an interesting dive bar here in Milwaukee called Just Art's. The place is also a bit of a cop bar as well, so be warned. What is interesting about it, is that even if it's a dive, there are a lot of great people there with interesting minds. The bunch I usually talk to there comprise of two pharmacists, a dentist, a high level stock broker, a lawyer, two detectives, and an IT professional. There are a lot of other people who visit with varied backgrounds as well.
The reason I like to go there, is that the conversations is far ranging, the beer is cheap, and the music isn't so loud that you have to shout to be heard. Tonight, we covered evolutionary biology, anthropology, drugs and marketing, and politics. Art, the owner, is a staunch conservative, but he's an informed one. He can be an ass sometimes, but his facts are usually right. He also plays a mean game of dice most of the time.
Now all we need is more intelligent women to visit there. Although I suppose it could be said that if the women are intelligent, they would avoid Just Art's. *laughs* I'll keep going there despite that deficiency in women. It's just too interesting not too.
Now I must drink my water, take my Tylenol, and sleep so I can wake up tomorrow without a hangover. Have some wonderful dreams, everyone.
I love dive bars. The people are far more interesting then in a club.
I like the laid back atmosphere and the fact that I don't have to spend hours getting ready to go to one either.
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