Thursday, September 01, 2005

Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat

Happy HNT, folks. For some reason, I was thinking about my feet this morning, and thought I'd share. Many years back, I was home when my roommate at the time had a little spa and makeover day with her friends. After taking care of each others hair, nails, etc. They decided to go after me. I'm a pretty open minded guy, and since it was going to make them happy, I let them. They wanted to give me a manicure and peticure. They certainly did a good job on it, much better than I could do. When they were working on me, one of the gals mentioned that I had the best hands and feet she'd ever seen on a guy. I guess that most guys either abuse them or just don't keep clean enough.

I can't seem to work up to getting any body work done like that these days. Something in me keeps me from getting massages, manicures, or the facial that one reader suggested. I don't mind if a gal I know does it, tho. I've had massages and manicures from girlfriends in the past, but actually going out and getting one is something I can't do for some reason. Try to figure that one out, since I can't seem to.

I am having a few friends over for a game tonight. We change up who's house we go to and this week it's at my place. I decided to go all out and make a damn good meal. I love to cook and eat good food. I do have one particularly good dish that everyone likes. They like it a little too much, because whenever I cook they only want my chicken crescent wraps. I'm making them tonight, but that's more because I haven't made them in quite a few months and I'm hungry for them. I really haven't cooked anything major in a while since I have nobody to cook for. Part of the fun of cooking is to watch people's faces light up when they enjoy what you make. I'm a giver...

Here's two quick questions for you guys- What do you like to read in my posts, and what would you like to know about me?

I'm off to the kitchen. Take care everyone.


At 8:54 PM, Blogger Erik said...

I hope you enjoyed the read. I'm a bit behind on my comments, I suppose. I'm not much for feet, but for some reason I had that story bouncing around my head and out it came. All sorts of parts of our bodies can be fun, tho. You just gotta have an open mind.


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