Thursday, August 25, 2005

Acronym day: HNT, and NCAA WTF?

Hello peeps. This is the part of my body that hurts the worst. I just got back from my trip and after being on the road since 6AM, my back is disagreeing with me. The tattoos on my back have a story attached to them, but it will be another day before I go into it. I need a backrub as soon as possible. I just need to find a gal to give me one. Volunteers?

On the road yesterday and a bit of today, I heard this pronouncement from the NCAA about racial/ethnic/national names and nicknames not being allowed anymore. While they can't force the teams to change, teams with "offensive" names will be cut from the post season. I am seriously pissed that the politically correct police have taken over this country. Why do we have to watch what we say to an unimaginable degree? What happened to freedom of speech?

I can't think of any NCAA team name but one that people would find offensive, and it isn't one of the teams with a native american name (which is supposedly behind this new rule). The Seminoles, the Illini, and the Sioux (the tribes and the universities with those team names) seem to be just happy without the rule. I'm just waiting to hear what comes out of Notre Dame, since the "Fighting Irish" are the only team with a somewhat slanderous image to the ethnic group.

Marquette changed their name from the Warriors to the Golden Eagles for this same reason a few years back. This summer, they decided to change the name to something else. The majority of the alumni (75% from what I hear) wanted to change the name back to the Warriors. One of the board members even offered to donate 2 million dollars to the school to change the name back. Did the university change the name back? Hell, no. They decided to be even bigger pussies and change the name to the "Gold." I was in a bar when they made the announcement live on the news. From the mouths of everyone at the bar came a resounding, "What the fuck?!?"

Eventually, they couldn't ignore the alumni completely and had to throw out "Gold" and they held a vote. They still wouldn't let it go back to the Warriors, so Marquette is still the Golden Eagles. What is so bad about the name Warriors? Their mascot was a proud native american warrior that has a rich history in this part of Wisconsin. I just don't get why it was such a problem. Idiots.


At 6:47 AM, Blogger Blonde said...

Ink on guys is hot ;)

Have a fabulous weekend!

At 10:02 AM, Blogger Erik said...

I do need a lot more ink but being a professional now, I have to keep things out of sight. I also need a good idea that I'd want on me for the rest of my life. While I like quotes, I'm not much for getting text tattoos. I think tattoos are art, and should be of a graphical nature. Maybe I'll think of something to expand on the wolf and bear faces so they aren't floating heads anymore.

I may be low maintenance, but I'm high concept. *laughs*

At 2:02 AM, Blogger Osbasso said...

Hey--didn't know you were out here! Welcome to HNT! I'll get you listed on the Nekkid roll. Be sure to stop by and check out some of the other half-nekkid people out there!


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