Saturday, November 19, 2005

Bah Humbug, Pt. 1

Why is Christmas starting earlier every year? Living in Wisconsin, I'm used to seeing outdoor decorations like lights being set up in November because nobody wants to be putting them up in freezing cold temperatures. However, people don't turn on the lights until Thanksgiving is behind us at least.

Indoors, you shouldn't be setting up a damn thing until the week after Thanksgiving. Hell, I remember when they didn't start setting up stores and the mall for Christmas until the day after Thanksgiving. Not anymore.

The fuckers are already jamming Christmas down my throat. I'm already sick of Christmas commercials. I saw my first Christmas display up in a local store before Halloween was over. A radio station here in town has already gone to a 24-7 Christmas music format. What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Don't get me wrong here, I like Christmas. I love giving gifts and getting together with friends and family to drink, eat, watch football, and hang out in general. As much as I like it, you can only sustain the holiday spirit for a week or so. I've heard the same Christmas music every year for the last 30 years, so after hearing it all of Christmas eve and day, I'm good for another year. I need to get my Christmas shopping done quick so I don't have to deal with major crowds, christmas carols, and the malls looking like Father Christmas threw up all over them.

So, to all of those people so full of the Christmas spirit that it's coming out their ass, turn off your "all Christmas all fucking day" radio stations, burn those god-awful holiday sweaters, and don't even think of Kringle-ing my apartment complex or any of the places I will be working until the week before Christmas. You have been warned.

Note: This is part one of my Christmas rant.. I think I have one or two more full posts on this in my head. We'll see how it turns out. Let me know if my holiday angst is justified or not... or any other interesting thoughts...


At 4:34 AM, Blogger Blonde said...

I hate Christmas.

I rant about it all year round.

At 9:32 AM, Blogger Hey Jo said...

I know how you feel. It isn't even Thanksgiving and there are people in my neighborhood you have their Christmas lights up AND turned on. WTF?!?!? Way to freakin' early.....

At 11:33 PM, Blogger Erik said...

Jo, perfect lead-in to tomorrow's post...

Christmas anger part two!


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