Tuesday, November 07, 2006

So I'm saying nothing. Each day taking that much more.

I'm just not talking much these days. I kinda shut myself down for a while. It's somewhat relaxing to just not care about anything. To rip off a song lyric, I have become comfortably numb. Only without the drugs.

So I've slipped into a comfortable niche that I don't know if I really want to get out of. I eat. I sleep. I work. I go to the gym. I play games when I get home. I'm safe in my protective blanket of apathy.

I don't worry about disappointing others. Other people can't disappoint me either, tho. I don't care what fuck-up of a politician is getting elected today. I don't care who kills my Packers this week. I could care less what stupid people do.

I don't get hurt this way. And I'm really tired of being hurt.

Last week's title came from a song called "Speechless" from Helmet. Bonus points if you figure this one out.

Late Edit: Down to 212. I'm not losing weight anymore, but I'm halfway to having up tighten up my belt one notch. So I must be losing fat and gaining muscle. I'm cool with that.


At 3:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand what you're going through. I do it myself from time to time. I just shut myself off from everyone/everything and try to recharge.

At 9:40 AM, Blogger Blonde said...

I understand you getting some R & R but dont become a recluse. You can't epxperience love and joy and happiness without allowing yourself to shut down emotionally.

Congrats on your weight loss success!


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