HNT- A friend at hand
I've always had good hands. I'm sure part of having good hands comes from years of playing computer and video games. I wouldn't have nearly the same level of dexterity without all of the keyboards and joysticks that have passed through my hands in my life.
I also have genetics on my side here. My mom is a massage therapist and part of that is because she likes to work with her hands. If my dad wouldn't have had a messed up back, he would've been a carpenter since he loves making things with his hands. I paint miniatures on occaision since I like to work with my hands and I have a good eye for detail. It's too bad I don't have the space to set up a desk for painting in my current apartment or else I would be painting much more than I currently do.
I like that I have very soft and smooth hands. I don't have any calluses that dull my sense of touch, so I like to feel things. I've always liked to touch things just to feel the texture of the surface. It doesn't matter if it's fabric, wood, stone, metal or other substance. I have a hard time initiating touching people, tho.
As I was growing up, my family didn't touch much. I remember that getting a hug was a very rare thing. I think after my siblings and I grew up, my mom started to realize that she screwed up with that. Either that, or when she went to school for massage therapy she learned that good side of touching. Now we get hugs whenever we see each other, but how we grew up sticks in the backs of our heads.
I like to touch the gal I'm with. I love the feel of smooth skin while I'm massaging or just holding a gal. I still have a hard time getting comfortable enough to start touching a gal, tho. Once I get past that first time and she seems to enjoy my touch, there is no problem any more. Then it's open season for all of the hedonistic fun I can think of.
Pardon the meandering and aimless post. I'm tired, stressed, and feeling a bit unloved at the moment. It's hard enough for me to focus anyway, much less when my mind is occupied. Hell, I didn't even make the dozen or so masturbation jokes that I could've. You'll have to provide your own.
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