I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel
Well, it wasn't on purpose, for a purpose, or even today. I hurt like hell, tho. The other day I sat down for some dinner and started looking over my work email. With dinner I got something I normally don't when I'm on the road, dessert. I love chocolate chip cookies and have since I was a kid. When I saw it on the takeout menu that the hotel guy recommended, I had to get it.
I know you're wondering where I'm going with this. Well, dentists tell us that sugary snacks will wreck out teeth, and this cookie decided to step up the time table. After I've nibbled through most of the cookie, I take a bite and start chewing. Crunch! A very hard chunk of baked flour comes between my molars and a chunk breaks off of one of my back teeth.
No medicine I have access to dulls this pain. Due to my job, the only way I can miss work is if I'm in the emergency room so I have to keep working. My dentist is not availible this weekend like most dentists. Since I have to talk all the time to work, my tongue is getting ripped apart by the sharp chunk o' tooth that remains. I'm in for a world of hurt this weekend, there's no doubt about it. I haven't decided if I'm going to get blitzed all weekend, or just grin and bear it. I lean on the grining and bearing side right now only because I have things I need to do that might be tough to pull off if I'm hung over or drunk.
I haven't slept much the past two nights, and I only hope that I'll be so tired this weekend that I'll be able to sleep through most of it.
So, since my job is up in a little over a week, who wants to hide me from the world for a while until I can heal up from the multitudes of stress, pain, and bullshit that I've been dealing with? *shrugs* Just checking...
Go to another dentist. You can find someone to handle your emergency.
Otherwise, get a bottle of Makers Mark and drink the weekend away.
I second Stb's advice on the Makers Mark.
Get well soon :)
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