On Hold
I feel like all I'm doing is waiting for other people lately. I want a good job, a good life, and great sex but after doing what I can about it, I can only wait. Normally I'm a pretty patient guy. Don't get me wrong, I don't like to wait but it doesn't bother me usually. Except now I'm waiting for everything.
I handed (and am still handing) out my resume. I gave it to a headhunter to see what they could find. I still have not heard back from anyone about a job. Makes me wonder if the market's that bad right now, or if it's me.
Love's always a waiting game. You put yourself out where you can be seen, but there's nothing else you can do about it. If it happens, it usually smacks you upside the head to let you know. Other times it can be like fishing where you wait for that nibble and pull in your line. But you gotta wait for the nibble. ;)
Sex should be easier to find, but I refuse to lie to get it. I won't pretend to be in a relationship just to get some. I don't offer anything but the total truth, which isn't easy for a lot of people to accept. Here in the Midwest it seems that if a gal enjoys sex, she has to keep it hidden from the world. Or at least that's how they're raised. A lot of people never get past that. I'm glad I did. The only problem is to get gals to be that earthy, you seem to have to look like Pitt/Clooney/etc. or have a silver tongue. Well, I have a silver tongue, but not when I'm talking. *laughs* I'm not known for my charm or tact. I'm known for being a nice guy, honest, funny, smart, and all that, but those traits to leap out at most gals until after they think of me as sex worthy or not. I lose at first glance all too often.
I keep trying, tho.
Life is one huge waiting game....just hope that the magazines in the waiting room are good (ok....too much to drink today....this may be a weird comment!)
Weird is always accepted here. A lot of fun comes out of weird, I think.
So far, I haven't found any good magazines in the waiting room. The good ones have been taken by other people. I just have to wait my turn, I guess...
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