Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Chicken Soup for the Sick in the Head

A bit of an extended break here, but let me fill you in on what's been going on. I was out on Saturday clearing thick brush to make a path through 55 acres of woods. It was just over freezing, but the woods kept the wind off so I was almost hot while I was carrying trees off the forming path.

I should've been paying more attention to the little cough I had been getting as of thursday. After spending 4 or more hours working in the woods, I grabbed dinner with a few other guys that worked with me. From there it was time to go home, peel off the layers of clothing, and take a hot shower. The shower relaxed me a bit and I started feeling sleepy as hell, so I took a nap.

When I woke up, I felt like absolute shit. The cough was in full force, my head was stuffed up and throbbing, and my whole body ached. Fuckity fuck. I went from sniffles to full blown flu in 4 hours. And it's still working on me. I barely remember watching the superbowl since I was so out of it.

Speaking of the Superbowl, I was surprised that Seattle didn't win. I'm not into analyzing games, but I tend to be good at guessing wins intuitively. I guessed that the Seahawks would win, and during more of the first half it seemed like I was right. Then it went the other way, and that's all she wrote for that one. That's one of the reasons I don't bet on football. heh

Anyway, I gotta lay down. I've been dizzy a lot from this flu so I haven't been doing much that requires me to sit up. I've watched a lot of crappy TV, tho. I'll probably will be watching more tomorrow. Later.


At 5:58 PM, Blogger Blonde said...

Take care of yourself and I hope that you feel better soon. SARS is slowly taking over my life again and I am relapsing into a coughing, headache, flu like nightmare hell.

At 8:15 PM, Blogger WhisKeYGyrL said...

Do the dayquil/nyquil rotation with a few shots of JD in between.... Cured mine last week in a day and a half!!!

At 10:22 PM, Blogger Erik said...

For me, alcohol seems to prolong my illnesses. Maybe I drink too much, or too little. *laughs*

At 11:21 AM, Blogger cosmopolgirl said...

This is definitely your body telling you to rest! It lasted through your hellish pace...time to slow down!

At 11:23 AM, Blogger cosmopolgirl said...

Probably just your body telling you to slow down and it's sick of the hellish pace you've been putting your self to. Drink lots of water and take some Dayquil/Nyquil

At 11:24 AM, Blogger cosmopolgirl said...

This is definitely your body telling you to rest! It lasted through your hellish pace...time to slow down!

At 2:19 PM, Blogger Stefanie said...

Too bad you got so sick. Clearing brush seems like it could do wonders for your body and mind. Hope you're better.

At 3:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"clearing brush". Is that a euphemism?

At 11:41 PM, Blogger Erik said...

Nope, clearing brush is unfortunately not a euphamism. It was 5 hours of hard work clearing a path through a mile of light woods. The work wasn't so bad. The temperature was. 20 degrees isn't warm enough to work in, but I agreed to help and wouldn't go back on my word.


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