Friday, February 10, 2006

Medicated to the one I love

It doesn't feel like Friday night. I have no clue where this week went, either. I slept part of it away, and the rest of the time I was zonked out with this damn fever and all. I probably would've gotten some NyQuil, but that would've required me to walk a mile in freezing temperatures since I don't have a car at the moment.

Speaking of the car, the sales people are getting desperate for a sale. They keep calling my phone offering me slightly better payments. Kinda funny. I have them down for a $270 a month lease... of I wait until Monday, I might get them to $250... probably would accept their offer then. It's for a Toyota Corrolla which isn't anything special, but it would get me around town without having to pay out the ass for gas. Or do any of you know how to go about getting a car in better ways? I'm still wondering if just buying a used car would be better.

I've been quite scatter-brained lately. Everything is almost fuzzy like when I've had a few, but without the fun aspect. I don't have the beer goggles on either. Hell, I can't even enjoy myself. Everytime I start doing anything remotely exciting, I get dizzy. The damn infection is enjoying my sinuses, and I'm decidedly not.

I shouldn't say this, but I'm starting to feel a bit better. Hopefully this eill continue, too. I know this will probably get Murphy's attention and I'll end up at the doctor's office, tho. Oh well. I do have another 5 chances at the lottery for tomorrow. $250 million. I figure with all the bad luck I've been having, I'm due for a shot o' good luck.

I see and hear way too much about Valentine's Day even though I haven't really gone out much. It's kinda sickening to me because when I see all the couples enjoying and looking forward to the day, a part of me says, "Hey, What the fuck is going on here? I deserve that, dammit!" Throw frustration on top of loneliness and it isn't the most pleasant mix out there. I miss feeling the love.

Maybe I'll load up a game this weekend, make up some snacks, grab some beer, and huddle up in a nice warm blanket. Not a very exciting weekend, but I think it's the best I can do with what I got. Wouldn't you agree?


At 4:48 PM, Blogger Hey Jo said...

I have a good Toyota guy if you are interested. I think he has sold our group of friends at least a dozen so far. We are on our 4th from him. He is a nice guy. Brian Hanson out at Safro Toyota in Brookfield (Capitol Dr). I won't buy from anyone else.

At 10:36 AM, Blogger Erik said...

You posted this about an hour after I signed on my new car. I will keep this other guy in mind for the future, tho. Would be nice to feel good walking out of a car purchase...


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