Thursday, February 23, 2006

Guilty of being white

While I was working out this morning, I was listening in an a couple over conversations that left me sick to my stomach. The conversations weren't disgusting, but they were appaling to me. Both were inspired by one of the news programs about Black History Month.

First conversation: Two older black men were talking about MLK and the things he tried to do. I almost tuned out the conversation until they started talking how white people conspire to keep the black man down and are all such fuckers for doing it. What the fuck? I must've missed the day when they were supposed to give me my Keep the Black Man Down membership card.

Second conversation: Two black gals were talking about how the white man invented slavery and was going to burn in hell for it. You fool, get your fucking facts straight. Slavery has been around for most of recorded history. Read the bible that you're thumping there, dammit.

I'm angry because of the stupidity and ignorance I was listening to. I would've said something, but it occured to me that none of them would've understood the double standard they were protraying there. Most of them probably were thinking something like "Everybody's a racist, except for me because I'm black."

I could rant quite a while on this but instead, I'm going to put the lyrics to the song in the title instead of letting you look it up. It's an old punk song that most people haven't heard of.

I'm sorry
For something I didn't do
Lynched somebody,
But I didn't know who.
You blame me
For slavery
A hundred years before I was born.

Guilty of being white [4x]

I'm convicted
Of a racist crime.
I've only served
19 years of my life.

[repeat intro]

Guilty of being white [3x]
Guilty of being right


At 8:05 AM, Blogger StB said...

Sad how some people just want to be victims.

I would agree to a point with the elderly gentlemen. The white man is keeping them down. They are called the Democratic Party. All the handouts they give to minorities does absolutely nothing to improve their situation.

At 1:50 PM, Blogger WhisKeYGyrL said...

Exactly.. (wow I'm in agreement with STB once again.) I already pay for their healthcare and their 10 kids (with different dads)...Our society makes it to easy for them... Why... Tell me WTF I need to be sorry for... NOTHING... If anything all of you should be sorry to the American Indians...When I was in college, working part time and didnt have health insurance, I tried to obtain insurance from the state (being diabetic I needed it) Anyway, the lady asked me are you pregnant? I replied no... Sorry we can't help you... WTF EXCUSE ME?!? I'm trying to do things the right way... a family... but I guess it's the wrong way... According to society! And what our elderly have to go through is nuts to obtain healthcare or assistance of any kind. That's fu*ked up!

At 7:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try living in Atlanta in the middle of Black History Month - talk about having race lines drawn - screw that term reverse racism, it's racism anyway you slice it. I just moved down here after living in Milwaukee for 30 years - which is a city of segregation - north side vs south side - down here it's as mixed as can be but the black people make damn sure you know they are here and they are black and they are better for no reason other than that.
It's sickening how they get away with it.
I work at a printing company and I suggested to a younger black woman client to put her name in bold black letters to make it stand out more on her portfolio shot, she got a little nasty with me and replied "why bold and BLACK, cuz I'm black?" I didn't miss a beat, I replied to her "No, I suggested black because it stands out and I didn't think WHITE would show up very well on WHITE paper".


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