Thursday, September 07, 2006

Better than Miss Cleo

I'm nursing a bit of a hangover today, which is helping to make this day really drag on. Maybe it's the general headache, but this morning it seemed like every other driver on the road was a complete moron. I was cut off by idiots who were trying to get around other cars by pulling into the parking lane and nearly hitting my bumper when they swerved back in to avoid hitting a parked car. Geniuses at work.

Once again, I did not receive a call from my dad on my birthday. Sure, my stepmom sent a card. I still think even a 2 minute call is required for a family birthday. Am I wrong? It was a very lackluster year for birthdays, too. Nobody wanted to rock out and celebrate with me. So what if you have a hangover in the morning? Life goes on...

Interesting bit o' news: The cute bartender is single again. She expected the cop she was dating to get all romantic and not just want her for her body. I know I said she's smart before, and I think she still is. She is just very naieve about some things. And the guys she chooses to date all take advantage of that. While I doubt there is a chance to get out of the friend zone with her, I still can hope. I don't exactly have any other interesting prospects on the horizon.

I know I seem to have low self esteem most of the time, but I'm very picky about the women I get interested in. I refuse to go for a gal that's below my standards. So maybe I do have low self esteem, but I have a good sense of self worth. I dunno.

Back on the cute bartender topic. I told a friend of mine a week or so ago that I expected her to break up with the guy in less than 4 weeks, but 6 weeks on the outside. When I got the news yesterday, I had to hold back until she had to go to the other side of the bar to tell my friend that I called it. He was somewhat amazed. I wasn't at all. As long as I'm not involved, I seem to be able to see what the outcome is for most people's relationships. I usually can see what's going to happen even if I'm involved if I'm not too close. It sucks being smart. You can see things happen before they really do, and all you can do is watch the trainwreck unfold.


At 8:33 PM, Blogger cosmopolgirl said...

Be picky!!! You desearve it!

Hope your birthday was fun!!


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